Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day Dreaming

She gazes out the window of her loft.  Her eyes slowly soaking in the world in her back yard.  The window is cracked just a bit so she can smell the flowers wafting into her warm bedroom.  She watches birds chirp and chase each other all over the the grass while two large squirrels tackle and squabble and play in the large tree outside her window.  
She is waiting.  She is waiting for a prince to arrive at the eve of her small window calling her in a calm, strong but tender voice.  The thought of her jumping out her bay window onto the back of his white steed and having him whisk her away through the evening sunset was running through her mind. 
Many years go by and she sits and thinks back to those days.  She ponders if things would have been different.  If her life would have been more.  Then she re-envisions what has happened and realizes she is happy:
She gazes out the window of her loft.  Her eyes slowly soaking in the world in the front yard.  The window is cracked just a bit so she can smell the flowers and exhaust wafting into her warm living room.  She watches two birds chirp and chase each other all over the road while two large squirrels dig into her flower pots.  She then proceeds to slap her hands together to shoo the animals out of her garden.  She refocuses and waits....waits for her prince to arrive at the door step to call her in his slightly goofy, yet sensitive voice.  She just smiles and thanks God she is where she is.


Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Beautifully written.

Kristi said...

Honey...this is beautiful. Made me teary ;) Love you!